I have just completed new painting, and this time i felt deep need to look at the world a little more romantic, a little like old masters probably did. With more calm and thoughtfullness than we usually have time for.
Ever since I remember, we were going with my mother and sister, three of us, to the water. Just to look at the waves, feel the sea. It was always calming me down, always have something magical in. It’s probably kind of bound, because I am still doing it, but now, with my child. Our Baltic sea is beautiful, and the water in its immensity and power is something unique.
„The water” oil on canvas 20/27,5 inch 50/70cm 2018
Available in Principle Gallery Charleston Principle Gallery
#annawypych #oiloncanvas #classicfigurative #classicportrait#loveoldmasers #studiopainting #realism #hyperrealism #magicrealism#surrealism #traditionalpainting #freestyle #artdrawing #artcollector#artcollection #artcollective #artcharleston #realistic #paintinganyway#payattention #bebetter #classichuman #contemporaryart #oilportrait#magicalbound #artlife #artstudio #romanticrealism
Ever since I remember, we were going with my mother and sister, three of us, to the water. Just to look at the waves, feel the sea. It was always calming me down, always have something magical in. It’s probably kind of bound, because I am still doing it, but now, with my child. Our Baltic sea is beautiful, and the water in its immensity and power is something unique.
„The water” oil on canvas 20/27,5 inch 50/70cm 2018
Available in Principle Gallery Charleston Principle Gallery
#annawypych #oiloncanvas #classicfigurative #classicportrait#loveoldmasers #studiopainting #realism #hyperrealism #magicrealism#surrealism #traditionalpainting #freestyle #artdrawing #artcollector#artcollection #artcollective #artcharleston #realistic #paintinganyway#payattention #bebetter #classichuman #contemporaryart #oilportrait#magicalbound #artlife #artstudio #romanticrealism
Właśnie skończyłam najnowszy obraz, i tym razem poczułam głęboką potrzebę aby spojrzeć na świat trochę bardziej romantycznie, tak jak dawni mistrzowie prawdopodobnie patrzyli. Z większym spokojem i przemyśleniem niż zwyczajnie na to mamy czas.
Odkąd pamiętam jeździłyśmy z mamą i siostrą, we trzy, nad wodę. Tak tylko popatrzeć na fale, poczuć morze. Zawsze mnie to uspokajało, zawsze miało coś magicznego w sobie. To chyba jakiś rodzaj więzi bo dalej jeżdżę, tylko teraz z moim dzieckiem. Nasz Bałtyk jest przepiękny, a woda w swym ogromie i potędze jest czymś niesamowitym.
„Woda” olej na płótnie 50/70cm 20/27,5 inch 2018