czwartek, 27 czerwca 2019

„The Sparrow”

New painting: „The Sparrow”
I am sharing new painting again this time it is work painted as a commission in cooperation with great Principle Gallery Charleston and remain sold. I explore motif I used before, but this time in a new way and with a different story. I am very excited to share this with you guys!
„The Sparrow” oil on icon panel 12x16in 30/40cm Anna Wypych 2019

Here is my newest painting in progress. Enyoj!
„The Sparrow” oil on icon panel 12x16in 30/40cm Anna Wypych 2019

poniedziałek, 24 czerwca 2019


Preparations for painting the official portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz - photographing the insignia, the chain.

Preparations for painting the official portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz - photographing the insignia, the chain.
At the beginning of this year took place the annual huge The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, huge charity event we are proud in Poland. (more here:…/Great_Orchestra_of_Christmas_Cha…)
The events took place in many Polish cities, and one of them traditionally took place in Gdansk. President of City Gdansk did a speech about love, support and being kind. 5 minutes later was stabbed on the scene, and a couple of hours later was dead. This was horrible. I still can not understand how it was possible that this happened. But happened. And now we could visit him in St. Mary's Basilica in Gdansk. (about the president:
On this photo, me taking a picture of the chain - official insignia of tragically died lately president of city Gdansk - Pawel Adamowicz. I will paint his official portrait for the Museum of the city Gdansk.
Museum wrote:
"This is how Anna Wypych's preparations look to create a portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz. The painter needed a model with a similar posture to be able to realistically chain - this difficult task was taken up by the artist's father-in-law. The portrait is to be kept in a realistic style.
Presidential chain and other memorabilia of the late The president can be seen in the Winter Hall of the Main Town Hall."

Ratusz Głównego Miasta - Muzeum Gdańska
24 czerwca
Tak wyglądają przygotowania Anna Wypych do stworzenia portretu Prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza. Malarka potrzebowała modela o podobnej posturze, by móc realistycznie oddać łańcuch - tego niełatwego zadania podjął się teść artystki. Portret ma być utrzymany w stylu realistycznym.
Prezydencki łańcuch i inne pamiątki po śp. Prezydencie można zobaczyć w Sali Zimowej Ratusza Głównego Miasta.


23 czerwca
2ª Exposición "Artelibre, 20 años en 20x20"
Museo MEAM
del 12 de Julio al 1 de Septiembre de 2019
Inauguración 12 de Julio a las 20 horas. (listado de artistas participantes)

piątek, 14 czerwca 2019


Check out this huge opening! Unfortunately i couldn't be there, but here how it went! ❤️❤️❤️

Beata Jaworowska z: Janusz Trupinda i 3 innymi użytkownikami w: Muzeum Zamkowe w Malborku.
Za chwilę wernisaż Wiatru od morza na zamku w Malborku

Muzeum Zamkowe w Malborku
14 czerwca
rcy ekspozycji, artyści, których prace możemy oglądać oraz przedstawiciele władz samorządowych. Wszystkich obecnych witał sam Stefan Żeromski. Prace zgromadzone w sali wystaw czasowych na Zamku Wysokim można oglądać do 15 września. Serdecznie zapraszamy!

czwartek, 13 czerwca 2019



Last 3 days to visit "Palace of Art" huge and very prestigious exhibition in the National Museum of Art in Gdansk - Department of Contemporary Art.
Check out the interview I gave for the biggest TV station in Poland TVN!
Tv program "Cozatydzień"

15 June

fot work of Julita Malinowska

Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku
12 czerwca
15 czerwca będziecie mieli jedną z ostatnich okazji do obejrzenia niesamowitej wystawy "Pałac Sztuki. Młode malarstwo polskie" w Oddział Sztuki Nowoczesnej Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku 🖼 Kurator wystawy, Wojciech Zmorzyński, będzie na Was czekał o godz. 12.00 🕛

wtorek, 11 czerwca 2019

a lot

There is really a lot of going on right now. I decided to make one post about exhibitions my paintings take a part right now. They all are wonderful and I really appreciate that being able to be included there. Actually cannot believe that this all is happening!
1. Amazing and Super prestigious "Modportrait 2018" with my "Paradox" in great MEAM Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona!
my participating painting:
GaleriaArtelibre · MEAM · Museu Europeu d'Art Modern
about the competition:
facebook Artelibre:
Instagram Artelibre:
facebook Meam:
Instagram Meam:
Thank You Viktoria Savenkova for the photo!
2. Enormous exhibition in Wroclaw. The exhibition entitled "Robinson's Ship" transforms the space of Wrocław Museum of Architecture into a shipwreck. Artworks by 55 contemporary visual artists from Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary, all working in various media, are being presented in the remains of the crashed ship.
I participate with 4 paintings.
Galeria Miejska
More about the exhibition:
The Gallery page:
3. Very prestigious exhibition "The Palace of Art" Will last only till the end of this week. The last chance to see this is on Saturday, and there will be a walk with the curator Wojciech Zmorzynski to attend 12.00. Super awesome, and definitely worth to visit!
Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku
Oddział Sztuki Nowoczesnej Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku
4. „The Wind from the see. 100 years later.” organized by National Museum in Gdansk, Department of Modern Art and the Municipal Public Library in Gdansk and Marshall of Pomeranian Voivodeship Mieczysław Struk. The exhibition continues to travel and this Friday will be opening in the Castle Museum in Malbork.
5. Here is a super cool initiative of my friend Marta Papierowska. She decided to spread some art in her local community, and one of her many activities is this tiny gallery "Art Gallery in the window". This month there will be shown one of my paintings.
more here:
and here:
6. Really soon will be opening of the second part of prestigious "20 years, in 20x20" at The MEAM in Barcelona 12.07.
GaleriaArtelibre · MEAM · Museu Europeu d'Art Modern
Wooohhooo! And this is only a part of what I am up to right now.... CRAZY....