Preparations for painting the official portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz - photographing the insignia, the chain.
Preparations for painting the official portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz - photographing the insignia, the chain.
At the beginning of this year took place the annual huge The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity, huge charity event we are proud in Poland. (more here:…/Great_Orchestra_of_Christmas_Cha…)
The events took place in many Polish cities, and one of them traditionally took place in Gdansk. President of City Gdansk did a speech about love, support and being kind. 5 minutes later was stabbed on the scene, and a couple of hours later was dead. This was horrible. I still can not understand how it was possible that this happened. But happened. And now we could visit him in St. Mary's Basilica in Gdansk. (about the president:
The events took place in many Polish cities, and one of them traditionally took place in Gdansk. President of City Gdansk did a speech about love, support and being kind. 5 minutes later was stabbed on the scene, and a couple of hours later was dead. This was horrible. I still can not understand how it was possible that this happened. But happened. And now we could visit him in St. Mary's Basilica in Gdansk. (about the president:
On this photo, me taking a picture of the chain - official insignia of tragically died lately president of city Gdansk - Pawel Adamowicz. I will paint his official portrait for the Museum of the city Gdansk.
Museum wrote:
"This is how Anna Wypych's preparations look to create a portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz. The painter needed a model with a similar posture to be able to realistically chain - this difficult task was taken up by the artist's father-in-law. The portrait is to be kept in a realistic style.
"This is how Anna Wypych's preparations look to create a portrait of President Paweł Adamowicz. The painter needed a model with a similar posture to be able to realistically chain - this difficult task was taken up by the artist's father-in-law. The portrait is to be kept in a realistic style.
Presidential chain and other memorabilia of the late The president can be seen in the Winter Hall of the Main Town Hall."
Ratusz Głównego Miasta - Muzeum Gdańska
Tak wyglądają przygotowania Anna Wypych do stworzenia portretu Prezydenta Pawła Adamowicza. Malarka potrzebowała modela o podobnej posturze, by móc realistycznie oddać łańcuch - tego niełatwego zadania podjął się teść artystki. Portret ma być utrzymany w stylu realistycznym.
Prezydencki łańcuch i inne pamiątki po śp. Prezydencie można zobaczyć w Sali Zimowej Ratusza Głównego Miasta.
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