czwartek, 31 maja 2018

New Art statement.

I was writting another art statement, like it should look like. But life is too short for pretending and for boring things. Check it here:

Pisałam kolejny tekst o mojej twórczości, tak jak to powinno „mądrze” wyglądać. Ale zdałam sobie sprawę że życie jest za krótki na udawanie, i przynudzanie. Poniżej napisałam o tym co robię szczerze, tak jak czuję i myślę.

The Guide Artists

Awesome The Guide Artists shared my painting!

Secret Projects 💥
Anna Wypych

Anna Wypych, based in Poland, paints realistic portraits in the traditional oil technique. Her art contains elements of hyperrealism, surrealism, and expressionism. Characteristic for her are philosophical texts, which always complements her works. Anna Wypych received the master’s degree from the Academy of Fine Arts in 2011. During her studies received eight national awards and grants. Wypych won the Grand Prix in the national competition „Artistic Journey of Hestia 2010”, „Pomeranian Artistic Hope 2011” and the Certificate of Excellence, Palm Art Award 2012, Germany. Wypych painting is included in the permanent collection of the European Museum of Modern Art, Barcelona in Spain, and National Museum in Gdansk, Poland. She presented her works at many juried exhibitions including: „BP Portrait Award 2014”, National Portrait Gallery, London; „Modportrait 2014” Foundation Bantierra, Zaragoza, „Women Painting Women 2014” Principle Gallery Charleston, SC USA, „The Elite of Contemporary art from Realism to the High Definition.” The National Museum of History of Moldova, Chișinau, Moldova; „Something more than realism … VIII”, Zaragoza, Spain, and 11 International 2014-2015 ARC Salon” the Salmagundi Club, New York, NYC, USA, „Modportrait 2016” IAACC Pablo Serano, Instituto Aragones de Arte y Cultura Contemporaneos, Zaragoza, Spain. Recognized as the ARC Living Master the Art Renewal Center. She has presented her work in galleries and museums in Europe and the USA. She lives and works in Gdynia.

sobota, 26 maja 2018

Artist and mom. Is it possible?

Artist and mom. Is it possible?

When I was pregnant I was scared as hell, that I will not be able to continue to do what I love the most. I did not saw photos like this, and I was scared because it seemed impossible. I am not scared anymore. I am artist and will not stop because I am a mother as well. Sometimes it is hard as hell, but I am happy. If even only one young artist will be less scared because of this photo it is worth to share.
Thank You and have a nice mothers day!

#mothersday #letscelebrate


Artystka i matka. Czy to sie da?

Kiedy byłam w ciąży strasznie się bałam, że nie będę mogła kontynuować robić to co co tak bardzo kocham. Nie widziałam wtedy fotek takich jak ta którą dziś wrzucam, i myślałam że to dlatego że tego się nie da pogodzić. Już się nie boję. Nie przestanę być artystką tylko dlatego że zostałam też mamą. Czasem jest piekielnie ciężko, ale jestem szczęśliwa. Jeśli chociaż jedna młoda artystka dzięki temu zdjęciu będzie się trochę mniej bała to warto było je wrzucić. Dzięki i miłego dnia mamy!

czwartek, 24 maja 2018

The Guide Artists !

Hey my friends! Check out awesome publication I have in The Guide Artists ! Some of huge photos of my paintings are there !

poniedziałek, 21 maja 2018

Wake up.

You wake up and you are immediately caught in the noise of social media. A quick breakfast, some news what's happening in the world, a bit of everyday household chaos... more here:

wtorek, 15 maja 2018

„The Water”

"She captured a moment between real world and imagined, with the white apple as a symbol of place without time. She portraited deep bound with the sea and the nature itself, and internal strength that we can draw from this connection."
„The Water” oil on canvas 20/27,5 inch 50/70cm 2018
more on or Principle Gallery Charleston Principle Gallery
"Uchwyciła moment pomiędzy realnym światem i wyobrażeniem, z białym jabłkiem jako symbolem miejsca bez czasu, sportretowała głęboką więź z morzem i naturą oraz wewnętrzną siłę, którą możemy czerpać z tego połączenia".

poniedziałek, 14 maja 2018

Mother's Day

I have just realized that not everyone celebrate mother's Day in 26th of may like we do in Poland. Some of You had it yesterday, and because our wonderful moms deserve appreciation more than once a year lets send them a hugs every time we think! This year I am not only a sender of hugs but receiver too. This reminds me a thought I had when become a mom, I just simply did not thought that it is even possible to love someone so much. .
#hugsforeveryone #haveaniceday
„Paradox” Boson 5, oil on canvas 100/70 cm 39,5”x27,5” 2017


Check out video about my work "Venus / Demon" Didi Menendez from PAdid !
And if You are around definitely worth to visit "Visions of Venus" at Zhou B Art Center in Chicago ! Many great paintings are there presented!

piątek, 11 maja 2018

Artists on Art Magazine

Thank you Artists on Art Magazine for sharing !!!
Painting presented at Principle Gallery Charleston

czwartek, 10 maja 2018


The artist captures eyes in unique way - portraits of soul.

Anna Wypych paints hyper-realistic oil paintings with surreal elements. She love to work on very detailed portraits of women, and always starts from capturing the Eyes. During her work she puts several dozen very thin layers of paint to create hypnotizing look of her models. She says that she focus on human, and seek strength of character and inner power in people.

środa, 9 maja 2018

Such incredible story! They didn't realised that!

Such incredible story! They didn't realised that!
Couple of days ago took place opening of great exhibition "Visions of Venus" Curated by Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt at Zhou B Art Center in Chicago ! This all could happen only because wonderfull Poets Artists organisation. I life in city on the other side of globe and couldn't attend this prestigious event, BUT I could count on my wonderfull fans! The best was that I got this two photos from people who do not know personally! They catched each other and didn't realised that! We life in soo huge, but in the same time soo small because of power of internet world 
Check out my painting and the show on artsy:
Tak niesamowita historia! Nie zdawali sobie z tego sprawy!
Jakiś czas temu miało miejsce otwarcie prestiżowej wystawy "Visions of Venus" kuratorowanej przez Dr. Elaine Melotti Schmidt w Zhou B Art Center w Chicago! Wszystko to miało miejsce tylko dzięki Poets Artists. Mieszkam w mieście po innej stronie ziemi niemalże i niestety nie mogłam uczestniczyć w wernisażu, ALE mogłam liczyć na moich cudownych fanów! Najlepsze było to, że dostałam te dwa zdjęcia od ludzi, którzy się nie znają osobiście! Sfotografowali się nawzajem i nie zdawali sobie z tego sprawy! Żyjemy w ogromnym świecie, ale jednocześnie dzięki internetowi tez malutkim świecie 

wtorek, 8 maja 2018

Being happy

Being happy is not something what just randomly happen to us. I belief that we need to work out it to happen, be ready for it, be aware to not miss it out. Nurturing good habits is not enough, You also need to unleash these toxic habits. So happiness is kind of decision I think. And this painting was about it.

#haveaniceday .

This is one of paintings currently on wall Principle Gallery in Chalrestone, if You are somwhere near check out this beautifull and inspiring place ! „Blackness” oil on canvas, 60/90cm ,23,5/35,5 in, 2016

czwartek, 3 maja 2018


I paint hyper-realistic oil paintings with surreal elements. I love to work on very detailed portraits of women. I always complements my art with poems and short texts about my inspirations. I respect and admire old masters, but create my own visions. All this connects, thinking about the condition of human and problems of modern man, with the whole technology, media and fast pace of life in the 21st century.
Here is one of my latest paintings !
Check it out on exhibition "Visions of Venus" at Zhou B Art Center in Chicago ! or here:

wtorek, 1 maja 2018

New painting and poem

I am classic romantic hyper real artist, and here is poem I wrote to completes this painting and share some more emotions with it 
When black water undermine your foundations,
you have to evolve. / „The Water / Woda”
wind from the sea
you are on the shore edge
blows just above the water
through millions of miles
millions of years
exactly to you
precisely right now
you feel it on your cheeks
breath of the earth
„The water” oil on canvas 20/27,5 inch 50/70cm 2018
Available in Principle Gallery Charleston Principle Gallery
Jestem klasyczno romantycznną a jednocześnie hiperrealistyczną artystką, a oto wiersz który napisałam podczas malowania tego obrazu, aby pełniej oddać emocje w nim zawarte 
Kiedy czarna woda podmywa twoje fundamenty,
musisz ewoluować.
podmuch znad morza
stoisz nad brzegiem
a on leci tuż nad wodą
miliony mil
miliony lat
właśnie do ciebie
właśnie teraz
czujesz go na policzkach
oddech ziemi
„Woda” olej na płótnie 50/70cm 20/27,5 inch 2018